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20 Tips you should do to go far in music blogger

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Every day, millions of people spend their time on the internet watching videos, reading articles, and looking at other people’s pictures. When it comes to music, many people turn first to their favorite streaming site to check out new music and artists. But there are people out there who decide they want to be the ones delivering that music to their listeners, so they start blogging. And while blogs are one thing, they’re not nearly as easy to manage as sites that stream your content to the world.

So what do you do? You start organizing everything you do and keeping it organized is going to be your number one priority. The daily routine is crucial for any business, so make sure you get your blog on track quickly and easily. You don’t want to be stuck in the middle of a project, wondering what you can do to move it forward.

To help you get started, here are some of the best ways to keep your blog in order and on task. Make use of them and you’ll be more than prepared for your first day as a music blogger. If you already have a few blogs under your belt, don’t worry – these tips will help you get everything (and everyone) organized so that you can find success with your next project.

Top 20 Tips For Music Bloggers

1. Create an Editorial Calendar.

Before you start blogging at all, you should make sure you have a plan. This is especially true if you’re going to be posting more than one post per day because it’s easy to get behind on your posts. You don’t want to leave your readers hanging, so make sure that your schedule is planned out thoroughly.

And that’s exactly where an editorial calendar comes in. These are pre-scheduled posts, covering a period of time up to one year from today. They’ll help you see what you need to do, as well as when you need to do it, so your blog doesn’t fall behind. Most bloggers use a calendar created in software like Google Calendar or Apple’s iCal.

When you’re first starting out, you won’t have to use one of these unless you decide to start blogging every single day. When you do, though, it can help you make sure that nothing falls through the cracks in terms of content and scheduling. Most people like to use their calendars as a way of getting creative, especially if they’re posting multiple times per week. This gives you an idea of how many posts you can put out and how often – giving you more than enough ideas for your blog.

2. Find a Good Host.

No matter how you plan to put your blog together, you’re going to need to make sure that you have a place to host it. You need a place that’s easy to use and doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg. And once you’ve picked out your new host, make sure that you don’t forget about them – too many people pick the first site they come across and then never look at the market again.

There are tons of great hosts out there, but if you’re new to the world of blogging, we recommend you pick one that’s user-friendly. This will help you put together a blog quickly and with relative ease. Choosing a host that doesn’t make things much easier on you is something that you want to avoid at all costs. So take a little time and do your research before making a decision.

Once you do, you should start testing out your blog environment. And that’s where things can get tricky if you’re new to setting up your own blog. At the very least, it’s going to take some time, which can be frustrating depending on how much time you’re willing to put aside for it. That being said, there are a number of great host companies that provide helpful tutorials and other resources to help get you started – so stick with those if you need them.

3. Stay on Schedule.

Once you pick a host and get things set up, it’s time to start putting together your blog posts. But before you do that, you need to come up with a schedule for yourself. That way, you can make sure that everything is on track and people won’t have to wait for another post from you. The last thing any business wants is to disappoint its customers, so don’t let that happen with your first blog post. Get Your Branding Right.

If you want to be a successful blogger, you can’t just put up posts and hope that people will like them. You have to be creative and engaging, which means you have to take advantage of everything that’s out there for you. And one of the best ways to do this is by branding yourself correctly. This will help your readers remember who you are and what kind of music artist you are.

So how do you brand yourself? First, you need a logo that represents your brand. This doesn’t have to be anything too ornate – in fact, we’d recommend keeping it fairly simple so that people recognize it right away. And when it comes to colors, the darker and more vibrant colors are going to work better for you here – which means that the plain white logo with black writing probably isn’t the best choice at this point in time.

The next tip when it comes to your brand is to make sure you have a consistent theme with your posts. This will help people remember you because they’re seeing the same color scheme and typeface throughout their time on your blog. They’ll know it’s you because everything is set up to match perfectly. This kind of branding is going to help you get more readers and make sure that the ones you already have are happy.

4. Network.

Networking is an essential part of the music blogging process, and nobody will do it for you. This means that you need to find out how these things work for yourself and start making connections. You don’t need a lot of friends to make an impact, but you do need to have a few people that you can call on for various projects.

This is one area where you’ll have to get creative about how you find these people. However, the best thing to do would be to start networking with other musicians yourself. Believe it or not, this is one of the easiest ways of doing this. Just search online for groups of artists that you think are similar to your own. This could be anything from a specific genre to the music that they like to play. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, try searching by location.

Once you’ve found someone local, make an introduction and ask them if they know anyone else who might be interested in what you do. This is a great way of expanding your network and connecting with people in the music industry. You’ll soon learn how it works and how you can use each person for their potential to help your business grow.

5. Don’t Skimp on the Quality of Your Music Uploads.

This might sound like a no-brainer, but it’s something that most people don’t realize until they start doing it. We’re talking about the quality of the music that you upload to your blog. You can have a fantastic blog and post amazing content, but if the music is poor, you could lose a lot of readers. This is something that doesn’t happen overnight, but it can be avoided if you just take the time to make sure that your uploads are superior.

This is going to require that you put in some effort, so don’t start posting music without thinking it through first. You can get a preview of how good an upload sounds before you actually post it, but it’s a good idea to upload a few different samples so that you can pick something that sounds perfect. We recommend you do this before you make any kind of commitment to your music uploads because it’s one of the first things people will come across when they visit your blog.

Once you have a good sample to work with, we recommend playing around with the sound levels – especially if they are really quiet or really loud. It’s important that they are well-balanced and noticeable, so you want to avoid the extremes. This will help you get the attention that you need while also making sure that people can hear what they want to hear.

6. Create a YouTube Channel.

Creating your own YouTube channel is another great way to promote your music brand and make it easier for people to find you. Once you get the hang of this, it should become an easy habit, which will be a serious plus for your business. It’s fast, easy, and effective – three things that every small business should do as they try to grow in the world of indie music.

For starters, create a channel profile that matches the style of your blog. This will help you get more traffic because the people who come to your blog are probably going to look for you on YouTube as well. So make sure that it’s something that is basically a mirror of who you are and what you do.

Once you create your channel, start uploading music to it right away. This gives people a chance to hear the songs in action and see if they’re a good fit for what they want. YouTube is a great way to get exposure, and it’s likely that the people who see your videos will want to check out the blog as well.

7. Keep Your Content Fresh with Regular Updates.

This is more of a reminder than an actual tip. And the reminder is this – don’t forget to update your blog regularly. Some bloggers only do it once or twice a week, but for most people, this isn’t going to be enough. The more often you post, the easier it will be for people to find you and know that they’re getting value from your posts every time they land on your website.

We recommend you try to post at least once every day. If you let your readers know that this is what you’re planning to do, they’ll be more likely to come back and keep up with what’s new on your blog. And the best part is, you don’t have to worry about running out of things to post about. If there are no new music releases in a day, you can post about entertainment news.

Just make sure that there is always something new and exciting, and you’ll be able to build your fans up quickly. You also want to try to avoid spamming your readers or posting the same thing over and over again. If they see that something is getting posted too often, they will move on, and you’ll lose them forever. Keep this in mind when planning posts and updates – you only get one chance with each of your followers.

8. Social Media – Master It.

It’s no secret that these tools have been instrumental in helping independent artists gain a bigger audience. But it’s not just about being on popular social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, because these sites are only as helpful as the ways in which you use them. 

This means that when you’re posting, remember that it’s very important to provide your followers with the kinds of content that they’re interested in seeing. This is a crucial part of any social media strategy, and it’s something that you can adjust as your business grows.

You don’t have to be stuck with the same old posts about your music, because you can connect with new people and fans on these sites in so many other ways. Keep growing as an artist, and you’ll find that the more people know about you, the more exposure you get from everyone who comes across your page every day.

9. Get People to Subscribe to Your Email List.

This is another one of those tips that are going to be a lot of help, especially if you’re looking to do anything promotional with your posts or music. Having people sign up for your email list basically gives you access to all of their contact information, which is also known as their personal data. It’s not as creepy as it sounds, but it’s a very smart way to sell products, music, and tickets when the time is right.

When you get people to sign up for your email list, you’re basically getting permission to email them whatever you want. And since most people check their emails on a regular basis, this is an excellent way to keep them engaged with your brand.

Keep in mind that you can grow your list by simply asking people to sign up if they like what you post on YouTube. But this is only a fraction of the work that goes into getting people to open up their email inboxes every day. Since people spend so much time browsing the internet and reading emails, it’s important for you to keep them coming back for more.

You can also create a form on your website and request people to sign up for your email list. This is a great way to get people interested in what you’re doing, but it’s not an exact science. You want to make sure that they want to join your email list before asking them to do so because this can help you build a relationship with them even if they don’t end up buying anything from you at all.

10.  Master SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

SEO is more than just an industry term. It means that your website will be found by more people who are looking for information about your company or you as an individual. In order to make this happen, you need to make sure that you take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way to get the best results. This is another area where it’s easy to slip up.

If you’re a new business, then you need to keep things simple and work a lot on getting the basics right. You don’t want to end up spending lots of time and money on the wrong stuff because it could cost you a lot in the end.

Now, if you’re already established, then you should be looking for ways to improve things and work on different areas of your website. This is all about providing value to your readers so that they’ll keep coming back for more. But when you’re doing this, it’s important that you keep in mind how search engines like Google will see your content as well.

This means that you shouldn’t stuff your posts with keywords, because this will make them look spammy to the search engines. The other thing you need to take into consideration is the overall quality of your content. You want to make sure that it’s engaging, which means that it has to be written in a way that will help people learn something new while they’re reading.

Keywords and quality writing go hand in hand, so it’s important that you know how to make the best of both. That’s why we think you should check out the Moz Blog on SEO. They have a lot of great information and advice for other SEO experts who are looking to improve their business through these methods.

11. Make Sure to Stay Updated With the Latest Tips and Tricks for Blogging.

No matter how much you know about the industry, this doesn’t mean that you’ll never run into any problems. That’s why it’s important to stay updated with the latest tips and tricks for blogging – it will help you know what to do and what not to do.

A lot of people think that being a blogger is really easy, but there’s more to it than just posting content on your blog about different subjects. You want to make sure that your blog is optimized for search engines, and this is something you can learn by reading.

A lot of bloggers have been writing about their experiences over the years, so if you’re looking for help, then you can always look to them. You might want to search for something like “blogging tips” or “best blogging tips” when doing this because there will be a lot of great information out there. Try to pick an expert who has written on this area in the past, as they will have had more experience than you at this point.

There are also lots of courses on blogging out there, but you want to make sure that they teach you the right things before you sign up for any of them. This can be really easy, as people will often tell you what they think is important enough to share with others. 

You’ll also need to learn how to stay focused and committed to your blog and the actions that you take. This means that you’ll need to think of a plan and make sure that everything you’re doing actually helps your overall business.

12. Know When You Need to Outsource.

If you don’t know what we mean by outsourcing, then this is the most basic way to describe it: It’s when you hire other people to do things for you instead of doing them on your own. There are times when outsourcing can be helpful if you want to grow more quickly, but this comes with its own set of problems too.

The first thing you need to think about with outsourcing is that you want to find people who know how to do what you need. If this isn’t the case, then you might end up spending a lot of money on a service that doesn’t work for you in the end. This could be the source of an endless amount of problems, especially if a new gig comes up and you don’t have anyone set up for it yet.

That’s why we think you should only outsource when you know what to do – and only then. The other times, it’s better that you learn how to do things yourself and focus on finding ways to make them easier instead of just hiring someone else to do them instead. This will not only save you money in the long run, but it will also ensure that everything goes smoothly.

13. Keep Track of Your Metrics (Traffic, Number of Subscribers, Comments, etc.)

All of this data is a great way to grow your business, so it’s important that you look into ways to see how your traffic is going. You’ll want to think about the different things you can do to increase this statistic, like updating the content on your website and making sure that it’s always up to date.

You can also learn what kinds of things are bringing people to your site and which ones aren’t doing it for you at all. There is no reason why you can’t take advantage of this and use these insights to help you improve your website content in various ways.

You should also consider keeping track of the number of subscribers you have, how much traffic your site has, and how people are interacting with it. This is a lot easier to do when your website is built on WordPress as it comes with quite a few analytics tools that you can use.

It’s important that you know what to do from here if you want to keep growing your business. The more information you have, the better your chances are of reaching new heights in the future.

14. Get Creative with Your Visuals.

Remember how we mentioned that it was important to know what you wanted to do with your website? Well, this just goes above and beyond that. If you want to really stand out among the other sites on the internet, then you’re going to need to learn how to make your visuals pop.

You don’t have to be a graphic designer in order to use Photoshop or a graphic design program in order to make something visually engaging. You can hire someone else who is skilled at these things if you like, but we think that it’s much more beneficial for you to know what works and what doesn’t and then figure out how you can do something similar yourself.

When you’re doing this, you’ll want to look for similar blogs with great imagery and try to figure out how they made their images. Not everything is possible and some things are more difficult to replicate than others, but it’s worth looking into if you want to learn how to make your graphics stand out from the rest.

Canva is also a great tool to use when trying to create something visually interesting that you can share on your blog without having to worry about making it 100% perfect. Or, you could always hire someone else to do this for you if you want to be sure that it’s done right. Who knows? You might end up saving yourself some time and money, too.

15. Create a soundtrack intro for your site.

If you’re going to be using music in your blog, then you need to make it really sound like a song. This doesn’t mean that you can’t do something else or have some other kind of sound going on, but it does mean that the tempo will need to be set to something nice and strong.

When people visit your website to download tracks with your site intros, it will make your site be on the top of their minds, when they listen to the songs all the time. You see, they will remember your site and think that it’s a great place to get music, so they will keep coming back.

You want people to remember your site and the music that can be found there. This is why it’s important that you do things right when it comes to making a site intro and keeping your music/audio consistent.

This is also a great way to make sure that people know what it is that you do, and not just hear the music. It can be a great way to let them know that your site contains music, or it could be something else entirely. Either way, it can help to get people excited before they even get to your blog and see what they’re in for.

16. Use Twitter to Your Advantage.

Twitter is a great way to let people know about your blog and keep them up to date on what you’re doing. There are a ton of ways to do this and we’ve added most of them for you below so that you don’t have to think about it too much.

When people follow you, they’ll have the chance to know more about your blog and everything that is going on in it. You can even let them know about a new post that you put up or anything else that is happening on the site.

This is a great way to get more followers and keep your blog growing in the right direction. You should look into ways to see what kind of impact this can really have on your business and how you can use this information to help you do better in the long run.

17. Find a way to work with brands/companies.

This can be a great way to make money for your business, and also give them a great platform for reaching a lot of people at once. If you’re able to reach a lot of people with your blog, then you can always work with companies who are willing to pay in exchange for the ability to do so.

If you can convince someone that your blog is worth the money that they’ll be paying for it, then you can really make some great money from it all. This can be an especially good idea if you have a professional background or previous experience working in a high-level position.

You might also choose to reach out to brands directly and ask them if they would be interested in paying for some promotion on your site. If you’re open to this idea, then you’ll want to look into how this can happen and what it would take to make it happen.

Keep in mind that not every company will be open to this idea, so you’ll want to keep your expectations reasonable. Remember that it’s better to try to get something you can use than to not try at all, as this could wind up being a great way to connect with potential clients and make some money at the same time.

18. Host a contest on social media.

When we say that you need to be on social media, we don’t mean that you have to be posting all day and night. There are plenty of different things that you can do when it comes to social media, and one of them is holding a contest.

You can ask people to share your blog post in exchange for a chance to win something really nice. There are tons of different things that you can offer as prizes, so just make sure that the prize is worth doing if you want it to succeed.

You’ll want to make sure that the contest is fair for everyone and that there aren’t any strings attached. When you’re setting up a contest, you also want to make sure that you’re following all of the rules and regulations for doing so, as this can be a great way to get into legal trouble if not done correctly.

You’ll want to focus on making sure that the contest is something that people will want to participate in, as this will make them feel special and included. People love to win things and make their lives better, so this is something you’ll need to keep in mind when you have an idea like this.

When you run a contest, you’re going to want to use social media as much as possible when it comes to getting people involved. You can do this by giving them a reason to share your content and letting them know what they’re in store for when they do so.

If you set the prize up properly and make it something that they’ll want to put out there, then you’ll have a good chance of getting many people trying to win this prize. This will help you get more traffic and also help your blog gain traction in the online community.

19. Get Backlinks for your Blog.

Backlinks are something that you’re probably familiar with if you’re trying to get a blog going. You may not have thought about the fact that backlinks can really help to give your posts the SEO boost that they need to be seen by more people, but this is something that you’ll need to consider.

When you have backlinks from other sites all over the internet, it can really improve another site’ SEO rankings and get you more traffic because of it. This is a great way for your blog to get some traction and be seen by more people than you could ever dream of before.

There are tons of ways that you can get backlinks from other sites, and you’ll want to keep that in mind as you move forward. If you have an idea for a topic, then this is something that could be brought up with other blogs and the possibility of connecting with them.

This could also help to get your blog a lot of attention if not done correctly. If you’re able to connect with other sites, then you’ll want to do so by following their rules and getting the link to the post that you want to put up.

You’ll want to make sure that the content is really great so that other sites have no problem including it in their site. When you follow all of these rules and regulations, it can really get your site noticed in ways that you would never have thought about before.

20. Listen to the Audience of your Music Blog

When you blog about music, it’s important to know what people on your site want or need. You may not always know exactly what they’re looking for, but there are a few things that you’ll have to consider in order to be a successful blogger in this area.

First of all, you’ll want to make sure that you’re posting relevant content. This is what will help to get traffic to your site and keep people coming back for more. Make sure that the content you’re entering in is something that people will want to read, listen to, or watch.

Be sure that you’re putting out this content on a regular basis so that they have something else to come back for. This can be a lot of work, but you’ll want to make it happen as soon as possible so that people will keep coming back.

Make sure that you’re keeping this content fresh and up to date, as people will expect it to be current and up to date. If you’re giving them stale content, then they’ll have no problem leaving and looking for something better somewhere else.

You also need to make sure that you’re posting in the correct area of your site so that users can find what they’re looking for more easily. It’s not a good idea to post your content in one area and wonder why no one is looking for it anywhere else.

It’s important to constantly ask yourself what you can do to make this better. Take some time each day to think of new ideas and ways that you can improve this section of your site. You’ll want to make sure that the content is something that the users will want to read about, as this will help you get more traffic and keep them coming back for more.


These tips are a great way for you to start building your music blog, as these will help to get you started and will give you a good idea of what to focus on. There are a number of other things that you can do to get your blog going and be successful, so make sure that you’re focusing on the things that are important and doing them well.

When you have great content, people will come back for more, and this is something that is essential if you want to stand out from the crowd in your niche. You’ll want to be sure that you put in the hard work and spend a lot of time on your blog, as this can really pay off if you’re able to do it properly.

You don’t have to do everything perfectly at first, so feel free to try things out and keep improving from there. You’ll want to focus on quality and make sure that you’re always adding new things to the site in order to keep it fresh and up to date.

You may not have the best ideas when it comes to music, but you have something that people will want to read about, so don’t be afraid of trying new things out. When you put these tips into practice, you’ll start seeing more traffic and also more people finding your music blog once they’re looking for something new.

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