Are extra marital affairs good or bad?reasons why people get into it

10 reasons why people have extramarital affairs

Are extra marital affairs good or bad

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Are extra marital affairs good or bad?

An Extra marital affair is a relationship outside one’s marriage, yes it is just as bad as it sounds, most people engage in such because of reasons best known to them, but the honesty is there is no reason to cheat on your partner if you ever thought of engaging one its better to get a divorce before engaging because the marriage will never be the same, most people lost their lives because of extra-marital affairs while some lives were destroyed.

In this article, we are going to explore some generalized reasons why people engage in this appalling

Early Marriage

Most people who were forced to get married don’t actually marry someone they love, along the line, they tend to fall in love with someone else and cheat with the person.

Most times they feel they didn’t get to enjoy their youth by being in a relationship with different people because they were tied down with marriage early, also along the line they tend to get tired of their partner because they had to commit earlier than they were supposed to.

Married for the wrong reasons

Getting married because of pressures from family or friends, or to please them, or to help the family maybe the supposed partner will be helpful to the business or other reasons that don’t include your happiness, after the regret seeps in slowly and once they find a better person they cheat without looking back.

Incapability to adjust to changes

Life is full of changes and challenges and when one can’t handle or adjust to it, they tend to find a way to. Challenges like death, loss, sickness, and mental health most people can’t turn to their partner for stability they prefer to turn to a friend, colleague, or bond with a stranger which can lead to cheating because at that point in time, they are not emotionally stable and every decision is made emotionally and not clear-headed.

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People who are not happy or satisfied in their marriage eventually cheat no matter how strong they seem to appear. Human beings tend to find their happiness and satisfaction no matter what it costs, people who are not happy or satisfied with their partner must surely find it somewhere else.

This dissatisfaction and unhappiness come from different reasons like lack of attention, distance, sex, stress, and so many other reasons.

Ex enters your life

Most men and women didn’t actually move on from their exes, most of them got married to help them forget their ex, so when the ex comes back into their life they tend to emotionally attach back because of lingering feelings, they cheat without thinking straight and at the end most of them actually regrets.

Being a parent

This causes a strain on most marriages, and that’s why most couples decide to give it up to 5 years before giving birth, no shade to kids but they consume their parents’ time, especially the mother’s and while the mother is busy giving her attention to the kids the husband might feel left out and the lack of sex and attention will prompt him to find it elsewhere.


When either of the partners feels unappreciated, undervalued, or neglected, they tend to seek this elsewhere and jump at anyone who shows them all these.

Lack of love

when there is no love or affection, and the marriage is dead, look for this outside the marriage and when they get it, they cheat ASAP, marriage is all about love, affection, and understanding which should be mutual from both sides, lack of these prompt extra marital affairs.

 Physical dissatisfaction

When one is not physically satisfied with the way their partner looks they tend to look for these looks outside the marriage when either the partner’s physical appearance changes with time, the significant other tends to feel dissatisfied with this new change.

For instance, after giving birth, the wife’s body wont be the same again, they might not look hot to the husband anymore or dress hot because they are busy facing motherhood, the husband not being satisfied tend to look for hotter women with nice body outside the marriage and end up cheating with them.

There Are No Shared Interests

When there are no shared interests in a marriage the couple or either of them as one might be ignorant about it will be too focused on chasing after diverse interests and eventually start bonding with one who shares the same interests with them and end up cheating, no shared interests draw couple apart as there is nothing to bond over with.

In conclusion

Like I said earlier, no reason whatsoever validates cheating on a partner, once you feel like it for whatever reason it’s best to file a divorce and be with someone who best suits your interest, marital affairs have done more harm than good and should be avoided.


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